About Us

About Us

We Are Leading National Company Exchanging Industry

it is degreed lawful entity with some sort of obligations and authorities according to declarations of Law, Regulations, and circulars, of nonbanking regulation, and monitory policy of Da Afghanistan bank as well as internal policy of firm

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Building Staffs

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History Emphasis

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Economic Outcomes

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To be Afghans premier company of Money Service Business, provides the competitive exchange rates and remittances service, and collaborated with legal agencies to prevent money laundering and illegal activities.

The mission of the company are;

  1. To increase business capital
  2. To provide competitively priced,
  3. To produce staff who are able to follow the laws and policies
  4. Avoiding Money Laundering or Money Game

The values that the personnel of the company embrace in the execution of their duties reflect the important role in the company development. The values are known by the acronym I-CREDIT, depicting one of the core objectives of the company which is the special tool for achieving developmental growth.


Revenue in 2017 (Million)


Collaegues & Counting


Successfully Project


Year of experience


Our Experts

Mike Rich

Lead Architect

Jenny Smith

Head Engineer (US)

George Doe

Head Engineer (CN)

Maria Jay

Head Engineer (AU)


Committed To Keep People Money Safe

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We Follow Best Practices

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Trust and Worth

Our Clients